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About With History

what we offer

We Care IT Business

to Made Great Success

At Barleystone, we pride ourselves on our expertise and passion for technology. With years of experience in the IT industry, our team of skilled professionals has successfully delivered exceptional solutions across various domains. We combine our technical prowess with a deep understanding of our clients’ requirements to craft tailor-made solutions that drive tangible results.

"We are a forward-thinking IT company, dedicated to delivering innovative solutions that empower businesses to thrive in the digital age."

Years Of Experience

20 January 1995

When We Start Our Journery

Web Design

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Mobile Apps

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Cyber Security

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Product Strategy

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QA & Tasting

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Team Member

Meet Our Professionals Team Member

Paul C. McPherson

Senior Engineer

Paul C. McPherson

Senior Engineer

Paul C. McPherson

Senior Engineer

Paul C. McPherson

Senior Engineer

Paul C. McPherson

Senior Engineer

Paul C. McPherson

Senior Engineer

Paul C. McPherson

Senior Engineer

Paul C. McPherson

Senior Engineer

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